
復仇者聯盟(The Avengers)熱潮繼續延燒,而復仇者聯盟主要成員美國隊長Captain America先生在4月間有場拍賣。愛國者們果然出手不凡,整套美國隊長的制服以$228,000美金賣出。整場拍賣成交件數有217件,總成交額達到110萬美金。

這套以現代眼光來看非常Old School味道的制服,之前我們在FIDM 20th Annual "Art of Motion Picture Costume Design" Exhibition 已經見識過實品,作工跟選料令人讚嘆不已。

Herringbone(人字呢)織法普遍的用在二次世界大戰的軍服上,最早是用毛料、到後來用棉料。但為了這套電影用的,特別製作了"Cordura Nylon Herringbone"(尼龍料)Cordura Nylon是現代軍用品上很普遍的材料,但Cordura Nylon Herringbone連現代軍用制服上面都沒有見過。由此可見當初製作美國隊長這套制服的成本之高,一套預估就要5萬美金。

Captain America complete hero suit 04 Captain America complete hero suit 01 190,000.00USD This item SOLD at 2012 Apr 14
Captain America complete hero suit


   Captain America hero suit from POW rescue 22,500.00USD  spacer.gif Captain America USO hero suit 25,000.00USD
Captain America hero suit from POW rescue 22,500.00USD Captain America USO hero suit 25,000.00USD

Profiles In History 來領他的戰利品,兩把槍跟一套制服,比起其他的拍賣品來說是小巫見大巫。不過我們親眼看到了電影裡面的那些盾牌一個個的擺在地上...

Captain America distressed stunt shield 17,000.00USD Captain America distressed shield with Hydra assault rifle hits 22,500.00USD
Captain America distressed shield with Hydra assault rifle hits 22,500.00USD

Captain America distressed stunt shield 17,000.00USD
Hero resin Captain America shield 22,500.00USD Hero Captain America shield encased in ice resin with conceptproduction artwork 20,000.00USD
Hero resin Captain America shield 22,500.00USD

Hero Captain America shield encased in ice resin with conceptproduction artwork 20,000.00USD
Hero silver prototype shield 02   Hero silver prototype shield 15,000.00USD  
 Hero silver prototype shield 15,000.00USD


Screen-used Invaders scene Captain America shield 
Steve Rogers USO shield from Hydra Factory 12,000.00USD Screen-used Invaders scene Captain America shield 14,000.00USD
Steve Rogers USO shield from Hydra Factory 12,000.00USD Screen-used Invaders scene Captain America shield 14,000.00USD


Stunt rubber trash can lid used by Steve Rogers 2,250.00USD SFX resin taxi door from the Kruger fight scene 3,750.00USD
Stunt rubber trash can lid used by Steve Rogers 2,250.00USD

SFX resin taxi door from the Kruger fight scene 3,750.00USD

飛奔的赤腳美國隊長為什麼可以這麼神呢? 因為他有穿這雙...

Steve Rogers’ prosthetic feet for barefoot chase of Heinz Kruger 850.00USD
Steve Rogers’ prosthetic feet for barefoot chase of Heinz Kruger 850.00USD

Captain America Cap Salutes You! war bonds poster 3,000.00USD Captain America I Want You war bonds poster 1,900.00USD
Captain America Cap Salutes You! war bonds poster 3,000.00USD Captain America I Want You war bonds poster 1,900.00USD


Audie_Murphy_Life_magazine_July_16_1945  二次世界大戰期間,美國有一位國民英雄Most Decorated Soldier -Audie Murphy,他從一個外表弱小(5 ft 5 inch (166.4 cm) and 110 pound (50 kg))的男人,在經歷過一連串驚人的事蹟後成了一位另人尊敬的超級戰士。 美國隊長故事的內容很多都是改編自Audie Murphy的真實戰場事蹟。

Audie一直都很想要從軍,在珍珠港攻擊事件後他第一次投軍,後因年紀太小被拒絕。18歲生日後(他謊報年齡,當時應該只有15歲) 他再次投軍,繼續以身高以及體重不足的原因被海軍陸戰隊、傘兵;海軍拒絕,最後美國陸軍接受了他。他在一次基本訓練中昏倒後,長官想要送他到餐飲學校去上課,但是他堅持要留在戰鬥部隊! 後來發生什麼事,大家可以去看看他主演的自傳電影" To Hell And Back ".


Audie-Murphy Medal of Honor Prop Medal of Honor in case with Senator Brandt handwritten cue cards 2,250.00USD
連電影裡的勳章都跟Audie的最高榮譽勳章Medal of Honor 一樣
Prop Medal of Honor in case with Senator Brandt handwritten cue cards 2,250.00USD

回到電影裡從弱雞變肉男的Steve Rogers

 Steve Rogers hero Camp Lehigh Army costume 02    Steve Rogers hero Camp Lehigh Army costume 5,500.00USD
Steve Rogers hero Camp Lehigh Army costume 5,500.00USD

Steve Rogers Inactive file 2,250.00USD
Steve Rogers Inactive file 2,250.00USD

Steve Rogers hero sketchbook and pencil 2,250.00USD
Steve Rogers hero sketchbook and pencil 2,250.00USD

Steve Rogers’ hero motorcycle 12,000.00USD
Steve Rogers’ hero motorcycle 12,000.00USD


Portrait of Red Skull 2,000.00USD Pair of Hydra logo banners 4,000.00USD
Portrait of Red Skull 2,000.00USD Pair of Hydra logo banners 4,000.00USD


Collection of Hydra logo concept artwork02 Collection of Hydra logo concept artwork
Collection of Hydra logo concept artwork 03
Collection of Hydra logo concept artwork


Hugo Weaving screen-worn Red Skull prosthetic makeup appliance Hugo Weaving screen-worn Red Skull prosthetic makeup appliance 5,500.00USD
Hugo Weaving screen-worn Red Skull prosthetic makeup appliance 5,500.00USD


Hero Hydra soldier costume with flamethrower Hero Hydra soldier costume with flamethrower 13,000.00USD
Hero Hydra soldier costume with flamethrower 13,000.00USD


Johann Schmidt hero Cube setup costume Johann Schmidt hero Cube setup costume 17,000.00USD
Johann Schmidt hero Cube setup costume 17,000.00USD


Hydra soldier costume 6,500.00USD spacer.gif Johann Schmidt Hero SS costume 16,000.00USD
Hydra soldier costume 6,500.00USD Johann Schmidt Hero SS costume 16,000.00USD


Decoy Cosmic Cube Decoy Cosmic Cube 3,250.00USD
Decoy Cosmic Cube 3,250.00USD
Electronic Cosmic Cube Electronic Cosmic Cube 1,100.00USD
Electronic Cosmic Cube 1,100.00USD

Three (3) U.S.O. Dancing Girls costumes 1,800.00USD
這套"我愛美國"啦啦隊服,會繼續在今年的各大Comic Con以及萬聖節大受歡迎啊~!


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